A Very Simple and Open Carousel

A Very Simple and Open Carousel

live demo: justinmccandless.com/demos/jQuery-Open-Carousel/index.html
the code: github.com/justinmc/jQuery-Open-Carousel

It's a carousel that is super easy to implement in HTML without touching any javascript, while also trying to be as flexible as possible.

After including the js and css, you can implement it as easily as this:

  1. <div class="ocarousel">
  2.     <div class="ocarousel_window">
  3.         <!-- Your Content Here -->
  4.     </div>
  5. </div>

A bunch of more detailed features are easy to set up, like setting a link to scroll to any slide, or passing settings arguments as data attributes.  Check out the README on github or the demo for some examples.

I wrote the first version of this awhile back, but recently was googling around for other jquery carousels and found that there were a ton of overly complicated and overly restrictive ones out there.  So I thought I'd bring my project up to speed in case anyone else was looking for something more simple and open.  Hope it helps someone.