Access a plugin methods outside plugin

Access a plugin methods outside plugin

I am making plugin of some sorts, so i write:

  1. $.fn.ajajforms=function(options) 

    var settings=jQuery.extend({ ... },options);
    var objs=[];
    this.each(function() { objs[objs.length]=$.ajajforms(this,settings);} )
    return objs;


    $("#debug").append("ajajforms constructor()\n");
    var g={
    settings: settings,
    add_clicked: function() {...},
    some more code....
    return g;


So, it works.
But i sometimes need to call an add_clicked(); from outsite plugin, i.e. do something like

  1. <script>$("#test").add_clicked();</script>

but this, of course, does not work.