Accordion Cycle Patch

Accordion Cycle Patch

Hi, I spent a good portion of last weekend making accordion cycle. At
first I was just going to create a sub-class and add the needed code
but decided to put my efforts toward the real deal. There are three
main features added in this patch:
1. activate() relative positions - Added the options to activate
first, last, next, prev headers based on the current position. Take a
look at _findActive() for the specific code. This was needed so that I
could get the next/prev header to cycle to. However, this filters down
to userland so that anyone can activate('next')
2. cycle() manually - Calling this will activate the next/prev header,
based on the direction specified. The _cycler() calls this and the
userland can also use it.
3. start()/stop() etc. - And of course the core part of this patch is
the actual automatic cycling ability for the accordion. There are
several methods, properties, and defaults added for this.
Link below to a zip of the working demo with both 1.7.1 and head
versions. There are also Unix diff files for each. I wasn't sure how
to create svn diffs though.. I'll post more details next as there are
several flags needed and specific ordering of things. Looking for
feedback at this point. Maybe inclusion at some point later on. ;)