Accordion Resize problem in IE

Accordion Resize problem in IE

I have an Accordion within a UI_Layout Pane in which I have 2 jqGrids.
I originally posted the problem I had in the jqGrid forum but Tony
pointed out it seems to be a UI issue - hence why I'm posting here.
The problem can be seen on this link
When I drag the Layout Pane divider to the left everything works as I
expect - the Pane "onresize" callback calls
and then the Grids are resized to width of the Accordion.
However if I drag the Pane divider to the right the Accordion doesn't
resize properly in IE when the "onresize" callback fires but just goes
to previous -1px ... there is an alert that shows the $
("#accordion").width()- 5 after the resize has been done. (I've tried
using outerwidth as well but it makes no difference)
If you keep making the Pane smaller the alert consistantly shows
previous-1px. Everything works fine in FF but not IE.
Any help or pointers to how I can solve this problem would be greatly
Thanks in advance

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    • romyn