active question within accordion...

active question within accordion...

Hi there,
I've a question reg. 'active'.
On some pages I use the additional class = ".offen" to open the first node onLoad but I'm not able to get the depending h3 (class = aktiv) set to active.

Hoovering the H3s of the page works fine, also I do get the correct active status for H3s after I've hoovered an element on the page.

Any hints? I did try to different (marked) solutions but none solved my probs...

     $(document).ready(function() {
         $('div.accordion> div').hide(); 
         //1st idea 
    // $('.aktiv').each(function() {
      // if(this.href == window.location) $(this).addClass('active');
   // });
   // 2nd idea
// $('aktiv a:path').parent().addClass('active');

             $('div.accordion> h3').click(function() {
            var $nextDiv = $(this).next();
            var $visibleSiblings = $nextDiv.siblings('div:visible');
           if ($visibleSiblings.length ) {
              $visibleSiblings.slideUp('normal', function() {

          } else {

