Add custom element in list splitview

Add custom element in list splitview


I'm trying to add and element in list splitview which is having two anchor tags . When i tried like this

< ul data-role = "listview" data-split-icon = "gear" data-split-theme = "d" data-inset = "true" >
     < li >< a href = "#" >
         < img src = "../../_assets/img/album-bb.jpg" >
         < h2 >Broken Bells</ h2 >
         < p >Broken Bells</ p >
</ a >
         < a href = "#purchase" data-rel = "popup" data-position-to = "window" data-transition = "pop" >Purchase album</ a >
<div>Custom Text</div>
     </ li >

the custom div(one in pink) is added inside the first anchor tag, i want it in same level of the anchor tag, so that i can use it as an overlay for whole list item. How can we do this or how we can have overlay for particular  list item