Adding sortable/draggable in iframe from parent -> strange behavior

Adding sortable/draggable in iframe from parent -> strange behavior

Hi all,
as a newby to jquery-ui is was wondering if it is possible to add
draggable/sortable behavior to a collection in an iframe from the
parent. If have tried the following...
1) Both parent and iframe document load jquery and jquery ui. I added
the latter as without it I got no such method errors without it.
2) In the parent I monitor the onload of the iframe and then try to
apply sortable to collections with the appropriate class.
Although this code seems to have some effect the resulting behavior is
strange. At first it looks like it doesn't work at all but then when
moving the mouse outside the iframe scrollbars appear and the sortable
list is changed even after I released the mouse button. Unfortunatly
not in any usable way.
It kind of feels like the the ui is confused about positions / events,
maybe because it was initiated form the parent document / window? I
did try the iframeFix option of draggable but that has no effect. If I
understand correct that one is more concerned with the parent
containing iframes right?
So basic question: is there a way to get this to work? And more
generic: Is it required to load the libraries in each iframe or can
code be 'injected' from the parent directly?