Advise on Jquery Scroll plugin

Advise on Jquery Scroll plugin

Hey Guys i have a 1 Page website that i am developing , it was 5 sections to it , i have used bootstrap as the framework , 

  1. <div class="container" id="home">
  2. </div>
  1. <div class="container" id="Objective">
  2. </div>
  1. <div class="container" id="potfolio">
  2. </div>
  1. <div class="container" id="team">
  2. </div>
  1. <div class="container" id="contactus">
  2. </div>

this above code is just an example , now there is a navbar right on the top . I need to achieve 3 things : 

1. when i click on any of the navbar element Eg. "contactus"  the page should traverse there . 
2. The Traversal of the page shouldn't be abrupt , there should be an easing effect (guess an easing plugging will have to be used) for this. 

and lastly . 

3. The element on the navbar thats clicked needs to be highlighted . 

i tried all day today , but could't figure out which would be the best plugin to  use ? 

waypoints ? scrollto ? , i really don't know . i am new to Jquery , so i would prefer something easy . 

also for me achieving the 1st and 2nd objective is more of a priority , than anything else . 

Any suggestions . Which plugging would be the easiest ? 

Thank you . 
