$.ajax BUG creating an JQuery object from the response HTML

$.ajax BUG creating an JQuery object from the response HTML

I've ran into a weird behavior loading a simple HTML page via $.ajax
and then converting the response string to a JQuery object with $
I've written a script doing exactly this which work perfectly fine on
my desktop computer using safari. As soon as I run the script on the
intended platform (Palm WebOS), it works only in some cases and most
of the time fails with an "Uncaught syntax error, unrecognized
expression: >, jquery-1.3.2.js:19"
I've followed a few debugging hints and clues and eventually narrowed
down the problem, using a test string as the response HTML:
"<html><body><form><input name='PHPSESSID' /></form><div>test</div></
This string is being converted to a JQuery object without any
problems, so I started adding a few "<div>test</div>" like this:
"<html><body><form><input name='PHPSESSID' /></form><div>test</
Turns out, this works until the string becomes too long and the
conversion fails again with the above parsing error. No by "too long"
I don't mean ridiculously long, just long as in average web page long
or as in 30 to 40 additional <div>'s long.
Does anybody have a clue where this might come from? Did I just run
into a memory / heap / stack limitation of the browser on my mobile
device? As is said my script works perfectly fine on a desktop
computer and even on the mobile device, but on the latter only if
loading really short remote html pages.
I'd much appreciate any help with this matter. I know what the problem
is but not really where it comes from and how to work around it.