Ajax call returns table but css styles not applied.
Hi to all,
I have a table with has cells that contain check boxes:
<% var name = String.Format("PlayerMetaData[{0}].PlayListMetaData[{1}].IncludedInPlayer", playerIndex, playlistIndex); %>
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup">
<input type="checkbox" name="<%: name%>" id="checkbox-1" class="custom" <%: playListMetaData.IncludedInPlayer ? "checked" : "" %> />
<label for="checkbox-1">Included</label>
I have a next button which makes an ajax call and gets the same table but with different data (i.e. paging).
However, the checkboxes in the table do not have the JQM styles/css applied.
How can I re-apply the styles?