ajax.js:httpdData patch for failing JSON eval()

ajax.js:httpdData patch for failing JSON eval()

not sure if you're happy for patches to be posted directly here...so
feel free to tell me where to patch it 8)
httpData: function in ajax.js (used by getJSON() calls or get() calls
where type == "json") doesn't currently test the eval is successful.
e.g. it just assumes that valid JSON was returned and eval will succeed,
silently failing if this is the case.
Here's a patch to bring it in line with the other functions above.
e.g. httpSuccess and httpNotModified
NOTE: Let me know if there's a more "preferred" way to handle this error
DIFF against 1.2.6 from svn:
Index: src/ajax.js
--- src/ajax.js    (revision 5918)
+++ src/ajax.js    (working copy)
@@ -478,9 +478,12 @@

        // Get the JavaScript object, if JSON is used.
        if ( type == "json" )
-            data = eval("(" + data + ")");
-        return data;
+            // Check to make sure the JSON returned evaluates correctly
+            try {
+                data = eval("(" + data + ")");
+                return data;
+            } catch(e) {}
+            return false;

    // Serialize an array of form elements or a set of