Ajax navigation / external javascript

Ajax navigation / external javascript

Hi all,

i have some problem with javascript after click on link with navigation ajax

I have in my home page, a carousel (jquery carousel for touch ui).
When the page is full loaded, the carousel work good.

now i switch with a link, come back to my home page, carousel work but bug a bit.
I think i need to remove cache...

  1. $(document).bind('pageinit',function(){ 
  2. jQuery(function($) {
  3. $(".carousel-single-image").touchCarousel({
  4. pagingNav: true,
  5. scrollbar: false,
  6. directionNavAutoHide: false,
  7. itemsPerMove: 1,
  8. loopItems: true,
  9. directionNav: false,
  10. autoplay: true,
  11. autoplayDelay: 5000,
  12. useWebkit3d: true,
  13. transitionSpeed: 400
  14. });

  15. $(".carousel-image-and-text").touchCarousel({
  16. pagingNav: false,
  17. snapToItems: false,
  18. itemsPerMove: 1,
  19. scrollToLast: false,
  20. loopItems: false,
  21. scrollbar: true
  22.    });
  23. });
  24. });

I do that on my home page.
my second page is empty.

Here my link for switch with a slide effect : 
  1. <a href="index.php" data-prefetch="false" data-dom-cache="false" data-transition="none" class="ui-btn-active ui-state-persist">test</a>
Any idea for clear or remove cache ? 
Thank all