Ajax refactoring V2

Ajax refactoring V2

Just comitted version 2 of the ajax refactoring for those interested. The tree is in sync with latest jQuery tree.
No more global transport selection function: transports are now bound to dataTypes through jQuery.ajax.bindTransport( dataTypeSelector, factoryFunction ). The dataTypeSelector is a string containing dataType names separated by spaces. If you put a + sign in front of the dataType name, then the transport will be the first one to be tested for that specific dataType.
For instance: jQuery.ajax.bindTransport( "+json text", myTransportFactoryFunction ) ensures myTransportFactoryFunction is the first one called for a request with json dataType and the last one called for a request with test dataType.
The factory function is in charge of determining if its transport is suitable for the given request (it gets the request options object as its only parameter). It can return the transport object (with a mandatory send method and an optional abort method) or nothing (or false). If it does the latter, two cases :
1) the dataType in the options object hasn't been changed, in which case the selector looks for the next transport in line
2) the dataType has been changed and the selector intelligently redirects to the transports for this new dataType.
Transports are tested for the dataType and, if non was found, for the catchall "*" transports. An exception is raised if no transport is found.
Edge cases, such as cumbersome request type detections, can be handled using jQuery.ajax.prefilter( prefilteringFunction ): you can see an example of that in transports/jsonp.js.
