$.ajax refuses to work. Using jQuery Steps Plugin.

$.ajax refuses to work. Using jQuery Steps Plugin.

I'm using jQuery Steps plugin from jquery-steps.com. I have created a multi-step form and I want to submit it via AJAX. I'm inside WordPress environment and here's my code. 

  1.             onFinished: function (event, currentIndex) {
  2.                 var form = $(this);
  3.                 alert("All Fine Till This Step");
  4.                 form.submit(function(event) {
  5. alert("Ajax Entry Successful");
  6.                     event.preventDefault();
  7.                     //$(".myspinner").show();
  8.                     var form = $(this);
  9.                     var io_resume_form_data = form.serialize();
  10.                     console.log();
  11.                     $.ajax({

  12.                         type:'POST',
  13.                         dataType:'json',
  14.                         url:ajaxurl,
  15.                         data:io_resume_form_data,
  16.                         success:function (data, textStatus) {
  17.                             alert("SUCCESS");
  18.                         },
  19.                         error:function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  20.                             alert("FAIL");
  21.                         },
  22.                         complete: function(){
  23.                             //$(".myspinner").hide();
  24.                         }

  25.                     });

  26.                 });
  27.             }


1. I get alert - "All Fine Till This Step", as expected upon clicking 'Finish' button on the form's last step.

2. Nothing happens I close above alert. It looks like AJAX ain't letting me in; and I've no clue why. My best guess is that I've messed up with the form.submit(). 

Would really appreciate if you could offer a helping hand. I've already spent almost a day trying to fix it all by myself. Thanks!