ajax response not comes in ajax form submition with jquery validation

ajax response not comes in ajax form submition with jquery validation

My code is this in which form submition is working throgh ajax with jquery form validation but response not working..

my ajax code :

$("#save_form4").validate({ rules: { name: { required: true }, min_salary:{ required: true, number: true } }, messages: { name: { required: "Job Title is required." }, min_salary:{ required: "Min Salary is required.", number: "Enter Valid Amount." } }, // the errorPlacement has to take the table layout into account errorPlacement: function(error, element) { if ( element.is(":radio") ) error.insertAfter( element.parent() ); else if ( element.is(":checkbox") ) error.insertAfter( element.next() ); else{ if(element.is("textarea")) error.insertAfter(element.next()); else error.insertAfter( element ); } }, submitHandler: function(form) { var formVars = $(form).serialize(); $(form).ajaxSubmit({ type: 'POST', url: '{/literal}{$site_url}vacancies/vacancy_job/{$id}{literal}', async : false, data: formVars, cache: false, success: function(data) { alert('hjkhjh'); $('#job_panel').css('display','none'); $('#job').html(data); }, error : function(){ alert('error'); } }); return false; } });

here in ajax response any alert is not working but it goes in vacancies controller and save data also....anybody please help me.