[SOLVED] Refreshing a page and redirect if an event occurs.

[SOLVED] Refreshing a page and redirect if an event occurs.


I have looked for my problem in Internet but I couldn't find. I don't know why I have used the correct words or the problem is in other places.

I design a mobile page web with ajax to refresh the content (div[data-role=page]).
I update the page tag because the server can redirect to other page.
I use this code to refresh.

setInterval(function() {
                        url: 'index.php?action=state',
                        dataType: 'html',
                        timeout: 1000, // 5 seconds
                        success: function(html) {
                             $( "div[data-role=page]").trigger('pagecreate');
            }, 2500);

But the title <h1> in my div content disappear. This problem I couldn't find in Internet.
Do I need to call other trigger?

Thank you!