

I was playing around with the new XHR plugin system that will be out
with 1.2.7/1.3, and I noticed something that seemed a little odd to
I was using the ajaxSetup() function to change my transport, but I
wanted to chain off the end of that call, and it doesn't work, because
apparently ajaxSetup doesn't return the "jQuery" object.
I had been reading and trying to diligently follow the Plugin
Authoring guide here: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring
which says: "Your method must return the jQuery object, unless
explicity noted otherwise."
Perhaps I'm missing something, and if so I apologize, but I would have
expected ajaxSetup to be chainable since it's API definition doesn't
*explicitly* say it isn't. Is this a misunderstanding on my part, a
documentation deficiency, or a possible suggestable improvement to
Is there a reason why ajaxSetup shouldn't be chainable?