Allow autocomplete on the login form

Allow autocomplete on the login form

I frequently forget my login ID and password, and the login form doesn't allow my browser to remember them (google chrome). As a result I'm constantly going to the forgot password page.

Forgetting my password is my own fault, but I think there are a couple of ways to make this easier for people like me

1. It wouldn't be so bad if not for that nice checkbox that said 'Keep me signed in' on the login page, which I always check. Apparently the cookie doesn't last that long because I always get logged out anyway. What's the point of this checkbox if it's just going to eventually log me out anyway - I'd rather it was permanent. The text itself 'keep me signed in' seems to imply permanence - for example it doesn't say 'keep me signed in for 2 weeks and then sign me out'

2. Alternatively if the login form allowed my browser to save my login info, that would help too

    • Topic Participants

    • mikew