Alpha 4.1 not working well with Firefox 3.x.
When using the desktop version of Firefox (versions below 4, i.e., 3.6) the following regex (from Alpha 4.1) is causing Firefox to stop working:
pageElemRegex = new RegExp(".*(<[^>]+\\bdata-" + $.mobile.ns + "role=[\"']?page[\"']?[^>]*>).*"),
This only occurs on 'heavy' pages, i.e., pages that have a lot of elements to load, and script to work with. I tracked the problem back to the regex above, but I do not know what it does or how to fix it. Again, only seems to occur with Firefox 3.x.
Anybody have some ideas on how to fix this? I really need firefox 3.6 support. The regex is the only issue... What is the regex above even doing? Any help or thoughts would be great!!!