~ LINE 2551 :
//rewrite src and href attrs to use a base url
if( !$.support.dynamicBaseTag ){
var newPath = path.get( fileUrl );
to.find( "[src], link[href], a[rel='external'], :jqmData(ajax='false'), a[target]" ).each(function(){
var thisAttr = $(this).is('[href]') ? 'href' : 'src',
thisUrl = $(this).attr(thisAttr);
//if full path exists and is same, chop it - helps IE out
thisUrl = thisUrl.replace( location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname, '' );
if( !/^(\w+:|#|\/)/.test(thisUrl) ){
$(this).attr(thisAttr, newPath + thisUrl);
//rewrite src and href attrs to use a base url
if( !$.support.dynamicBaseTag ){
var newPath = path.get( fileUrl );
to.find( "[src], link[href], a[rel='external'], :jqmData(ajax='false'), a[target]" ).each(function(){
var thisAttr = $(this).is('[href]') ? 'href' : 'src';
thisUrl = $(this).attr(thisAttr);
if( thisUrl !== undefined ){
//if full path exists and is same, chop it - helps IE out
thisUrl = thisUrl.replace( location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname, '' );
if( !/^(\w+:|#|\/)/.test(thisUrl) ){
$(this).attr(thisAttr, newPath + thisUrl);