Anchor Button Theme error after change page

Anchor Button Theme error after change page


i have tried a multipage template.
if i add a anchor button with a link to the other page, the theme will lost after tipp on a button to change the page. The buttons are in style theme b, but after page changing the buttons looks like theme a.

This problem occurs only on android platform. Tested on android version 4.1 and in adb emulator 4.4. (in ripple emulator it works fine)

jquery mobile version: 1.4.2
jquery version: 1.10.2

have you an idea?
  1. <!-- Start of first page -->
    <div data-role="page" id="foo">

        <div data-role="header">
        </div><!-- /header -->

        <div role="main" class="ui-content">
            <p>I'm first in the source order so I'm shown as the page.</p>
            <p>View internal page called <a href="#bar">bar</a></p>
            <a href="#bar" class="ui-btn ui-btn-b ui-corner-all">bar</a>
        </div><!-- /content -->

        <div data-role="footer">
            <h4>Page Footer</h4>
        </div><!-- /footer -->
    </div><!-- /page -->

    <!-- Start of second page -->
    <div data-role="page" id="bar">

        <div data-role="header">
        </div><!-- /header -->

        <div role="main" class="ui-content">
            <p>I'm the second in the source order so I'm hidden when the page loads. I'm just shown if a link that references my id is beeing clicked.</p>
            <p><a href="#foo">Back to foo</a></p>
            <a href="#foo" class="ui-btn ui-btn-b ui-corner-all">page-settings</a>
        </div><!-- /content -->

        <div data-role="footer">
            <h4>Page Footer</h4>
        </div><!-- /footer -->
    </div><!-- /page -->