Anchor inside listview causes page refresh

Anchor inside listview causes page refresh

  1. <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" class="tablist-left">
  2.         <li id="link-home">Home</li>
  3.         <li id="link-questionnaires">Questionnaires</li>
  4.         <li id="link-forms">Forms</li>
  5.         <li id="link-demographics">Client Information</li>
  6.         <li id="link-logout"><a href="/Account/LogOff" data-ajax="false">Log Out</a></li>
  7.     </ul>
For some reason once I add an anchor tag inside of my list element when I load up my page it loads fine at first, then immediately reloads the page giving me a blank white page. This is in an ASP.NET MVC environment and I do see that when the page refreshes the second time it's hitting that LogOff action, so it seems like when the link is in the listview it fires off for some reason. How can I stop this from happening?