android - holding key sometimes inserts 2 characters at once

android - holding key sometimes inserts 2 characters at once

Hi guys,
I'd like to ask for my strange problem. When user holds for example key "q" on SW keyboard and wants to insert number "1" (upper keyboard line) to input element, it behave strange on some input elements - it does'n insert only number 1, but also key q ("q1").
Do you have any idea how to solve it?

  1. Short code:
  2. <label for="phone_number2">
  4. <center><b>nieco</b></center></label><input type="text" name="phone_number2" value="" id="phone_number2" class="ignore_enter" data-theme="a" onkeyup="check_log_form()" />

Thanks in advance.
[Tested on Andoid 2.3.]