Android scrolling stutters over collapsibles

Android scrolling stutters over collapsibles

I'm working on a phonegap mobile app with jquery 1.9.1  jquery mobile 1.3.1
swipeleft and swiperight are bound, and multiple collapsibles are rendered in a div inside the content area.
When viewed on a Samsung S2 4.0, the scrolling is fine.
When viewed on a Samsung S3 4.1, the scrolling stutters or stops whenever your finger crosses a collapsible header.
iOS devices work well.
The collapsibles are inset, so if you keep your finger on the very left or right edge of the screen while scrolling on the S3 device, the scroll is smooth as desired.  It does not seem to matter if the collapsibles are open or collapsed.
I've tried a few fixes proposed elsewhere:
1) $ . event . special . swipe . scrollSupressionThreshold = 100 ; (that causes swipe to not work very well, but helps scrolling greatly on the S3)
2) overriding the button hover styles mentioned here (it seems closely related but not quite the same):
3) overriding the vmouseout and vmouseover events to empty functions.
I appreciate any other ideas anyone has or would be happy to add additional details as needed.
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    • bob