animate function - weird behaviour with IE6/7

animate function - weird behaviour with IE6/7

Hi all,
I tried to open a ticket on but the server seems to be
down... so, here I am... ;-)
I'm working on a slideshow/carousel:
It's works fine except than in IE7/6.
It's weird because the "next button/arrow" works well also under IE
but NOT the "prev button/arrow"; and that's the problem.
The problem seems to be at the line 254 (behaviuor.js) where the
animate function is called.
I guess that is the problem because, for example, if you substitute
the whole for cicle (LINES: 251 - 266) with the commented code right
below (LINES: 273 - 300) the carousel works... (even if my function is
not as smooth as the animate one).
Monitoring the position of the li elements I get these results.
While going to the right:
li#0 0% to -50%
li#1 25% to -25%
li#2 50% to 0%
li#3 75% to 25%
li#4 100% to 50%
li#5 125% to 75%
All good.
Then I refreshed and tried going to the left.
li#0 0% to 50%
li#1 25% to 75%
li#2 50% to 100%
li#3 75% to 125%
li#4 100% to 45%
li#5 125% to 48%
As you can see, lis 0-3 were fine.
lis 4 and 5 got WEIRD settings.
Any idea on what could cause it?
PS: Download source code:
PS2: there is also a post open: