Annoying Datepicker input field infelicity

Annoying Datepicker input field infelicity

Background: BluePrint CSS framework (simple, lightweight) with jQuery
and jQuery UI 1.7 layered on top.
I have a Datepicker that I show as a dialog upon an object's click.
Invoked like this:
$("#datepicker").datepicker('dialog', ....);
$("#datepicker") is an empty div.
PESKY PROBLEM: Datepicker creates a small, VISIBLE text input field
that is displaying in the top left corner of the displayed calendar.
I can't seem to rationally make this ersatz and unwanted input field
to go away.
This input field is a child of the body DOM element, has no classes,
just an id attribute starting with "dp" with a uuid.
Something like this:
<input type="text" style="position: absolute; top: 187px; left:
1091px;" size="1" id="dp1238504086965"/>
MY KLUGE FIX: Try as I might, the only way I have found to HIDE this
input field is to add this CSS rule
input[id^='dp'] {display: none;}
QUESTION: Why does the Datepicker create this VISIBLE input field?
There's no CSS class to select it, nevermind hide it, and its id
attribute is apparently indeterminate.
QUESTION: Why does this input field not have a class we can use to
style (hide) it?
I think this input's visibility is a bug.