.appendTo() behaviour

.appendTo() behaviour

please, enlight me.
$(A).appendTo(B) will move $(A) to selector B, which in most cases has
to be an ID or a unique identified element.
For this behaviour, what happens if B specifies multiple elements
(e.g. class, element selector)?
WIll it clone and copy $(A) ?
If so, the original $(A) will still be in the same parent?
appendTo() should accepts elements and jq objects too as it would be
more clear (and avoid) the multi-element selector problem.
Here is a behaviour that I would like to replicate in pure jQuery:
1 - Create an "anonymous" element:
var divContent = document.createElement("div");
var divContent = $("<div/>");
2 - move (reparent) the children from '#old_parent' to the new element
A - Using jQuery + DOM:
function() {
B - Using jQuery (or how it would have being) (wont work):
Using a selector is not possible when dealing with anonymous elements.
So, am I missing something?
Can this be considered a bug?