Apple store reject my app (based jquery mobile)

Apple store reject my app (based jquery mobile)

   Firs time i developed my was only contain webview and it just call website to webview.They rejected my app.Then i looked for advice som developer said "you should IOS features"

  So i used objective c..i used IOS features.Such as check network connection,splash,i replaced static form with IOS my app i used all thing with native expect google map....for google map i used jquery mobile but they rejected again...there are some screenshoot from my iphone app and it is performance is good

screenshot 1:this is IOS native form

screenshot 2 :this is IOS native form(bind with json rest service)

screenshot 3: this is jquery mobile web page.i call this from IOS web view

screenshot 4: this is jquery mobile web page.i call this from IOS web view

screenshot 5: this is IOS Form

this is their rejected issues and they  Closed Communication so i can not ask them and mail them
what should i do?


  • 2.12: Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
  • 10.6: Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good it may be rejected