<audio> A-B repeat. Function not defined error

<audio> A-B repeat. Function not defined error

I am trying to add an A-B repeat function to my audio player, but I am getting: setA is not defined error.
This is the html for the buttons:
  1. <div id="repeatControl">
    <button onclick="setA()" id="btnAtime">A</button>
    <button onclick="setB()" id="btnBtime">B</button>
    <button onclick="clearAb()">X</button>

This is the full script to control the playlist and the A-B repeat function:
  1. $(function(next) {
            // Setup the player to autoplay the next track

            var a = audiojs.createAll({
              trackEnded: function() {
                var next = $('ol li.playing').next();
                if (!next.length) next = $('ol li');

       next.addClass('playing').attr('id', 'playing').siblings().removeClass('playing').removeAttr('id');

     var container = $('#rightbox'),
        scrollTo = $('#playing');
        container.animate({scrollTop: scrollTo.offset().top - container.offset().top +

        audio.load($('a', next).attr('data-src'));

    $('#nowplaying').html('<p>' + $('#myaudio').attr('src').split('\/').pop().trim() + '</p>');


            // Load in the first track
            var audio = a[0];

                first = $('ol a').attr('data-src');
            $('ol li').first().addClass('playing');

      // Initialize the peak meters with the newly created audio element
      var myMeterElement = document.getElementById('my-peak-meter');
      var myAudioElement = audio.element;
      var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
      var sourceNode = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(myAudioElement);
      var meterNode = webAudioPeakMeter.createMeterNode(sourceNode, audioCtx);
      webAudioPeakMeter.createMeter(myMeterElement, meterNode, {});

            // Load in a track on click
            // $('ol li').click(function(e) {
    $(document.body).on('click', 'ol li' ,function(e){

    $(this).addClass('playing').attr('id', 'playing').siblings().removeAttr('class').removeAttr('id');
              audio.load($('a', this).attr('data-src'));

     $('#nowplaying').html('<p>' + $('#myaudio').attr('src').split('\/').pop().trim() + '</p>');

    // =========== A-B Repeat Starts Here ===============

            var aTime = 0;
            var bTime = 0;
            function clearAb() {
                aTime = 0;
                bTime = 0;
                $("#repeatControl *").attr("disabled", true);

            function setA() {

                aTime = parseInt(myAudio.currentTime);
                $("#btnAtime").html("A[" + aTime + "]");
            function setB() {
                bTime = parseInt(myAudio.currentTime);
                $("#btnBtime").html("B[" + bTime + "]");
            function repeatAb() {
                myAudio.currentTime = aTime;
            function checkRepeat() {
                if (bTime > 1 && myAudio.currentTime > bTime) {

    var myAudio = $("#myaudio").get(0);

            myAudio.addEventListener('canplay', function() {
                  $("#repeatControl *").attr("disabled", false);
            myAudio.addEventListener('timeupdate', function() {
            }, false);
            $("#repeatControl *").attr("disabled", true);       
    // ===================END AB REPEAT ==========================

Everthing is working fine except for the A-B repeat part.

I have set up 2 jsfiddles to show roughly what I'm trying to do. hopefully it helps.
Sorry this might be alot to ask, but I just don't know enough jquery to figure out how to make this work.
Any help would be very appreciated.