Auto executing queues

Auto executing queues

While working on the ultra chaining plugin mentioned on the
neighboring thread, I recall that $.fn.queue auto executes the sent
function if it's the first (and only) in the queue.
This behavior is used for the fx module, so that one can queue
animations w/o worrying about keeping the queue running.
The problem is, I'm heavily relying on $.fn.queue right now, but not
just for fx. Thing is, this behavior really complicates my code
because the "auto execute" behavior is meaningless for anything but
If I queue a function, doesn't mean I want it auto executed. To work
around this, I'd have to push an empty function every time queue is
empty, but that's gross. Also, queue() is internal to jQuery so I
can't "overload" it.
In short, may I change that behavior in the core, so that only fx
queues get auto executed ? It's not just a patch for my situation, I
think it applies to every other queue application but fx.
Also... what about making queue accessible from the outside ? seems
like the same pattern as $.data.
Ariel Flesler