auto scroll from top to bottom and back in repeat

auto scroll from top to bottom and back in repeat

Hey there,

I just set some html-sites for our school infodisplay. The tool Screenly OSE shows the Websites in a shuffle play. Thats all working. But there are a fiew sites with much content. The screen solution will be 1920 x 1080 pixel and these websites will not fit because of there length. So, what code could I implement in my html sites, which include xml.files with php in html? One of these sites looks like this:

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="de">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5. <title>xy</title>
  6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  7. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">
  8. <link href="../xy.css" rel="stylesheet">
  9. <link href="|Lobster|Trirong" rel="stylesheet">
  10. <script src=""></script>
  11. <script src="autoscroll.js"></script> 
  12. </head>
  13. <body>

  14. <div class="box">
  15. <div class="content-box">
  16. <div class="logo-small"><img src="../xy/xy.jpg" width="100px" /></div>
  17. <div>
  18. <?php
  19. // Creat new DOM-Object
  20. $xml = new DOMDocument();

  21. // Load xml-file
  22. $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
  23. function sortByDate($a,$b) {
  24. if(filemtime($a) === filemtime($b))
  25. return 0;
  26. return (filemtime($a) < filemtime($b)) ? 1 : -1;
  27. }

  28. $files = glob("*.xml");
  29. usort($files,"sortByDate");
  30. $xml->load($files[0]);

  31. // Create new DOM-Object
  32. $xsl = new DOMDocument();

  33. // load xsl-file
  34. $xsl->load("xy.xsl");

  35. // Process content and post it
  36. $proc = new XSLTProcessor;
  37.   $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl);
  38. $proc->setParameter('','PARAM_NAME',$param_value);
  39. echo $proc->transformToXML($xml);
  40. ?>
  41. </div>
  42. <div id="xy">some text xy</div>
  43. </div>
  44. </div>

  45. </body>
  46. </html>

HTML, CSS and PHP works great.

I would like to autoscroll the whole website beginning at the div container "logo-small" towards "xy" at the end of the site.

I have been exercising with a view examples, but no one worked at all. Maybe there is a problem because of the php-file-include?

I tried as well the code on this page, but that did not work too!: