Auto suggestion field wont work

Auto suggestion field wont work

Hi, I'm beginner in JQuery please help me, I have search form where users can type some categories about client information, and there's auto suggestions showing under the field coming from MySQL database, I wanted to be more user-friendly, that's why I used field with auto suggestion, after searching over the web, I found one nice tutorial, but the problem is it does not work on mine. I use twitter bootstrap and codeigniter, can you check me out where is my problem? thanks,

view file
  1.                                 <div class="control-group">
  2.                                      <label class="control-label">Category Name</label>
  4.                                      <div class="controls">
  5.                                          <?php
  6.                                          $params = array(
  7.                                                    'id'            => 'category',
  8.                                                    'name'          => 'category-name',
  9.                                                    'placeholder'   => 'Type in the name of the category',
  10.                                                    'class'         => 'input-xxlarge',
  11.                                                    'autocomplete'  => 'off'
  12.                                          );
  13.                                          echo form_input($params);
  14.                                          ?>
  15.                                      </div>
  16.                                      <div id="category-suggestions">
  17.                                           <div class="suggestions" id="category-autoSuggestionsList">
  18.                                           </div>
  19.                                      </div>
  20.                                      <span class="help-block autocomplete">Start typing the category name. There will be suggestions under a pop-up list. The suggestions list will appear as you write the category name. If your category is found between the suggestions, you can directly click it.</span>
  22.                                 </div>


  1. <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets1/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
         var item1 = '#category-suggestions';
         var item2 = '#category';
         var item3 = '#category-autoSuggestionsList';
         function lookup(fieldSuggestions, fieldSuggestionsList, inputString) {
              if(inputString.length == 0) {
              } else {
                   {queryString: ""+inputString+""},
                        if(data.length >0) {
         function fill(fieldId, fieldSuggestions, thisValue) {
              setTimeout("$('" + fieldSuggestions + "').hide();", 200);
         $(item2).keyup(function() {
              lookup(item1, item3, $(item2).val());
         $(item3 + " li").live('click', function() {
              fill(item2, item1, $(this).attr('title'));        

search_customer controller

  1. function search_customer() {
            $this->load->model('customers', 'category');
            $query= $this->customers->entries();
            foreach($query->result() as $row):
            	echo "<li title='" . $row->category_name . "'>" . $row->category_name . "</li>";

entries Model 

tblname: customers

  1.      public function entries() {
              $this->db->like('category_name', $this->input->post('queryString'), 'both');
              return $this->db->get('customers', 10); 