autoInitializePage = false only works for first page
I'm not sure if this is expected behavior or not, but it appears using jq1.9.1 and jqm1.3 that setting autoInitializePage = false only keeps the first page from auto-initializing, the rest of them fire off everything fine.
My code:
- $( document ).bind( "mobileinit", function() {
- $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = true;
- $.support.cors = true;
- $.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false;
- $.mobile.autoInitializePage = false; // disable showing the page until we say so
- });
The initial page waits until I call $.mobile.initializePage() to render itself as I expect, but it only happens that one time, and then all subsequent pages auto-init. I'm hoping I can use this to not render pages until it has properly fetched all of the data it needs from an AJAX request.
Is this expected behavior, or a bug? And how should I go about doing something like that?