Automatic redirect to first page even after changePage in Google Chrome

Automatic redirect to first page even after changePage in Google Chrome

Hi, I have a problem with a jqm app, it seems a jqm bug with Google Chrome. I've made a concept proof with just a bit of code here:

As you can see, at the pageinit event, it just declares a sample object "foo" and instances it, after that, it redirects to a dialog page "#page2"

The problem is that, though the code redirects to #page2, it finally ends at #page1.

There are three "solutions" by now:

1. wrap the changePage in a setTimeout function ( really ugly )

2. not instanciate the class!

If I comment this code:

$foo=new foo();

the app ends in #page2. Correct, but of course, in the real app I need my class.

3. redirect to a normal page instead of a dialog

If I change:

$.mobile.changePage("#page2",{role:'dialog'] )



it works

So, my best option by now is the third one, but it would involve to me a css small nightmare which I'd like to avoid.

Can anyone tell me why this weird behaviour? Seems a jqm bug to me.

Thanks in advance, Diego.