Back button bug on iPhone?
I have an external page on which I show a fullscreen image + a constant footer where I've placed a back button [to accommodate the iPhone's inability to offer a 'back to previous page' function when displaying fullscreen pages which hide the phone's lower nav bar - you can achieve this once the website has been added to the phone's home screen bookmarks].
However, a curious bug now occurs; on Android phones, when I click back to the previous page [from the external page] all works fine but on the iPhone, the previous page's back button [normally in the header] does not now appear! On the external page, I've tried several methods of calling the previous page from within the back button's href: '#', 'filename', '#+filename' & '
Javascript:window.history.back()'. When I use any of these, the previous page's 'headers' back button does not appear!
Does anyone have any suggestions?