back page in reverse direction, is it possible?

back page in reverse direction, is it possible?

Normally, when transition is "slide", a new page comes from the right of the screen, and when click on a link
with data-rel="back", it goes away to the right of the screen.

When i set reverse to be true (on a link with data-reverse="true") or do a page load (or change) when reverse:true, the new page will come from the left of the screen.

But in this case, when it goes away through a click on a link with data-rel="back", or call $.mobile.back(),
it still goes away to the right of the screen.

i am wondering if there is a way for it to disappear to the left of the screen since that's where it came from.
i cannot find any documentation of $.mobile.back() whether it will take some argument or not. and
there is nothing i can set for a link with data-rel="back" for this to happen.

Does anyone know any way of making a page disappear to the left of the screen through $.mobile.back or
a link with data-rel="back"?

thanks a lot in advance for any idea or suggestions.