backbone-tree-view : error in code

backbone-tree-view : error in code

I am new to JavaScript, nodeJS and backboneJS.
I have to create Product view in my backbone JS code. I am trying to integrate backbone-tree-view in my codebase to display tree view on screen. I have taken below details as base to implement tree view.

1- have install backbone-tree-view on my project path
2- Added all the dependencies of script in my html file which is defined as template in the project.
3- Added tree in the body of same template html file
4- Added two files in the libs of backbone JS backbone-tree-view.js and backbone-tree-view.min.js
5- in backboneJS code have two files - abc_form.js and abc_view.js
6- in the abc_form.js I have passed the template html file to be displayed
7- in the same file I have declared BackTree.Collection. In the same file created tree as suggested.
8- And render .

However I am getting below error -

:3000/js/backbone-tree-model.js:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
backbone-tree-view.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
    at d (backbone-tree-view.min.js:1)
    at backbone-tree-view.min.js:1
    at backbone-tree-view.min.js:1
    at backbone-tree-view.min.js:1
    at Function.d.execCb (require.js:27)
    at o (require.js:10)
    at require.js:12
    at o (require.js:12)
    at x (require.js:15)
    at m (require.js:15)

I have no clue about the issue.
Looking forward for valuable help. Any pointer will be helpful for me.
Thanks in advance,