(Basics) How to access things from another function?

(Basics) How to access things from another function?

Hey Guys,

i want to create a Plugin:
If you call it like this:

  1. $('#box').myPlugin({color: '#12345', size: 4});
the Plugin have to append a new div with a text:

  1. (function($){
  2.         $.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {
  3.                 var defaults = {
  4.                         color: '#ff0000',
  5.                         size: 3
  6.                 };
  8.                 var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
  9.                 return this.each(function() {
  10.                         $(this).after('<div><p id="test">Hello World!</p></div>');
  11.                         $('#test').css('color',options.color);
  12.                 });
  13.         }
  14. })(jQuery);

That works fine for me, but now i want to do something like that:

  1. $('#box').myPlugin('alert_it');

To do that, ive changed the Plugin Code like that:

  1. (function($){
  2.         $.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {
  3.                 var defaults = {
  4.                         color: '#ff0000',
  5.                         size: 3
  6.                 };
  7.                 if(typeof(options) === 'string' && options === 'alert_it') {
  8.                         alert_it();
  9.                         return false;
  10.                 }
  1.                 var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
  2.                 return this.each(function() {
  3.                         $(this).after('<div><p id="test">Hello World!</p></div>');
  4.                         $('#test').css('color',options.color);

  5.                 });

  6.         }
  7. })(jQuery);
  8. function alert_it() {
  9.         alert('Your chosen color was '+options.color);
  10. }

But these would'nt work, i don't know how to access the options :(