Beans => Rubygems for Javascript

Beans => Rubygems for Javascript

I've been working an attempt to bring a packaging system to
javascript, similar to Rubygems et al
Source is here =>
It's very straight foward. You can include scripts from anywhere like
so :
<script src='http://bean-server/
This will work in a standalone HTML or in your Rails/Django project.
The files (beans) themselves are stored in a repo (I'm using ~/Beans
at the moment) and each file can depend on other files by including
the following comment at the top
//= require <jquery>
//= require <jquery.autocomplete>
//= require "./lib/my_relative_file.js"
This is similar to the Sprockets syntax.
It's working very well for me on my current projects and I wanted to
get some feedback from the community.