Behavior of the DIV for dismissing a panel changed from 1.3 to 1.4 ?

Behavior of the DIV for dismissing a panel changed from 1.3 to 1.4 ?


It seems that the DIV used for dismissing a panel is now on the bottom of the DOM. 
Before it was just after the panel.

It breaks a big thing in my app.
Because the DIV is at the bottom, it's on the top of everything (z-index ?).
In my panel, I have a button that open a popup.

Before, I can open the popup from the panel, close the popup with a button in it and then dismiss the panel.
Now, I can open the popup, and when I click, it directly dismiss the panel. and the popup is closed after a second click.

Is it a bug ? 
Is it a fix for another bug ? 
Is there a way to have the dismiss panel like before? 

Best regards