Best Inline client-side Grid for server CRUD operation.

Best Inline client-side Grid for server CRUD operation.

I work on web application vs2012 C#, I am looking open sources Grid complete basic CRUD operation  without rendering the whole grid and which supports the following features?

1)    I wish to use it to collect the data from the user and then save on the server after the user is done entering data.

2)    I should be able to create an instance of the grid at run-time and add to DOM.

3)    Must have Inline: edit Controls (datepicker, autocomplete, dropdown, checkbox, custom, etc)

Suppose like :Supports column templates (textbox, select, checkbox or any inputs or simple text)


4)    Support Hierarchy Sub Grid (5 nested levels if possible n nested levels).

5)    Support Multi column Searching / Filtering,groupig with out server side interaction.


6)    Few input control (e.g textbox, checkbox..) present under a column may be  enabled  and few may be  disabled .



7)    Supports setData() at real-time.

8)    Supports event if any input data changed by user.

9)    It should support selection of a Row

10) Add row or delete row support at real-time without rendering the whole grid.

11) Supports Paging.

12) Supports sorting by any column at real-time.

13) Fires an event if data is sorted by user at real-time.

14) Definitely has good documentation.


I try to use   but there are some feature are miss like: Grouping,each column searching.