Best practise to embedd video external source

Best practise to embedd video external source


I'm trying to build an app with phonegap. As frameweork I'm using jQuery mobile. In my app there are several pages (it's a multipage layout) with a video in it. I'm want to use vimeo for this. When I embedd the iframe it plays well, acts fast. But when I leave the page to go to the next one, the audio keeps playing. Because of this I'm using pagebeforehide, in that I'm clearing the source of the iframe. This works great, the audio stops also when leaving the page. But there is another problem coming with that. It isn't as fast any more, but more important, when I only go forward to the next page, it's ok. But when I go back and I'm using 'data-transition="slide"  data-direction="reverse"', it shows a flash of the homescreen and it doesn't load the previous page immediately. From this point it also flashes the homescreen going to the next page.

So, how can I embedd vimeo, without the audio keeps playing, or how can I get rit of the homescreen flashes.

When I'm not clear, I'm sorry, just ask.

