Binding to events in child iframe windows

Binding to events in child iframe windows

Hello all,
I'm having trouble binding events to the window of a child iframe:
.bind( "load", function() {
$( this.contentWindow ).bind( function() {
console.log( this == window ) // true, should be false
.appendTo( document.body )
Basically, events bound to the window of a child frame end up being
bound to the window in which jQuery is running. I think this might be
because of the following section in jQuery.event.add:
// For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
// around, causing it to be cloned in the process
if ( elem.setInterval && elem != window )
    elem = window;
This condition mistakenly triggers for child windows, because they
have the setInterval method but are not the main window.
I think this can be fixed by changing line 2587 to:
if ( elem.setInterval && ( elem != window || !elem.frameElement ) )
    elem = window;
Jed Schmidt
PS: Also, after doing some iframe-related work, I have a few ideas
about making jQuery more intuitive:
(1) $.fn.html should have a case for iframes that calls open/write/
close for the frame's document, enabling $("<iframe/>").html
("<html><body>Hello world</body></html>")
(2) $.fn.parent and $.fn.children should work for windows, returning
their child/parent windows where possible.