blockUI - changing message for specific ajax when set for all?

blockUI - changing message for specific ajax when set for all?

I am using the jquery blockUI plugin and have set it to block/unblock on all ajax starts and stops :

  1. $(document).ajaxStart($.blockUI).ajaxStop($.unblockUI);

What I have found is there are certain parts of my site where while I still want to use the blockui functionality I do not want to display the message.  For instance, in a form I am doing ajax call on a username input field to check if the username is available or not... well, as of now my message shows on every keystroke input in the field.  What I would like to do is just remove the message, but keep the blocking for specific parts of the site like this one.

Is this possible since I have set blockui 'globally' on all ajax?  I would like to be able to change the message on the ones I DO NOT want rather than remove the above line and set blockui individually on each I DO want.