Bookmark Links not working with jquery mobile

Bookmark Links not working with jquery mobile

Jquery-Mobile is interfering with my same page (Bookmark) links. To fix this, I'm attempting to disable ajax calls for hyperlinks on pages within a given site. I have successfully disabled ajax for the normal links on the page, but bookmarked links are still NOT working correctly.

I have researched the jquery mobile documentation and other questions here. I am using jquery mobile 1.4.2 and have setup a script to disable ajax calls throughout the entire page by setting ajaxEnabled to false and pushStateEnable to false in the head section. I followed the directions at for the order of these ("you'll need to bind your event handler before jQuery Mobile is loaded")

<script src="/cmsroot/jquery-ui-mobile/js/jquery.js"></script> <script> $( document ).on( "mobileinit", function() { $.extend( $.mobile , { ajaxEnabled: false, pushStateEnabled: false }); }); </script> <script src="/cmsroot/jquery-ui-mobile/js/"></script>

This works to disable ajax for all the normal links on the page. However, my bookmark (same page links) are not working.

I have two kinds of bookmark links: 1) links to a place on the same page 2) links to a place on a different page

1) When linking to a place on the same page, the link just won't work. The link below does nothing when clicked

 <p><a href="#thebottom">jump to the bottom</a></p> <!-- lots of html stuff in between --> <p><a id="thebottom">&nbsp;</a></p> <p>testing jump to bottom content....</p>

2) When linking to a place on a different page, the link will go to the indicated page, jump down to the appropriate bookmark, then jump back to the top of the page (you can see this happen in chrome only). the destination page also has the ajaxEnabled set to false at the top of the page.

<!-- splinks.html --> <p>see the <a href="destination.htm#sapchart">SAP Calculation Chart</a></p> <!-- destination.htm --> <p><a id="sapchart"></a>

You can see a live code version of this problem at

Any help in getting these same page (bookmark) links to work is greatly appreciated.