Browser testing for javascript plugin , in independant versions of each browser
I am building 3d gallery plugin , a pretty simplistic one , something that uses CSS-3 properties, now as it is , not all browsers support 3d transforms, so obiously i have to write code to accomodate browsers that don't have access to css-3 at all, as a matter of fact, I need to write almost, i need to write a whole set of different functionality for older browsers. Well there are a few solutions to this i see ,
- Write code to check if browser supports.
- Use a library like modernizer, and make your life easy.
Well say i do any of the above, and now i have code like below:
- if(supports3d) {
- // use css-3 properties and make the gallery look awesome
- } else {
- // Fall back gracefully , no cool transforms , transitions , preserve-3d etc. just make it look basic.
- }
Ok , now heres where the problem begins, on my PC , Win-7 and latest chrome, i will always see the code executed in the if condition. I have no way to test how my code will look in earlier versions of chrome or IE or FF, say for each browser, I would like to test my code for each version , Just like i can test my code in the latest chrome browser. A tool like
Browser Stack
, might help me see how my plugin gets displayed in all browsers , but what i wanted to know is, is it possibe to run all versions of browsers on my PC and be able to run test in each of them ?