Bug: Calling sortList() after table.empty() resurrects emptied() elements

Bug: Calling sortList() after table.empty() resurrects emptied() elements

When you have a tablesorter table that has .empty() called on it, the
next time you sort the list, those .emptied() elements appear in the
list, along with any new elements you added since.
So, if I have a table with row elements:
[ a b ]
And I empty() it:
[ ]
Then add more elements:
[ b c ]
Then when I sort, I get this:
[ a b c d ] (not necessarily in that order, doesn't matter)
Then when I empty again:
[ ]
And add more elements:
[ e f ]
Then sort, I get this:
[ a b c d e f ]
And so on...
I think tablesorter is working from a cached version of the table that
gets created at the wrong time. I tried debugging it with Firebug, but
didn't have any luck.
Does anyone know where the problem might be?
- Neil