Bug: .css(name); output is inconsistent for combined properties like margin and padding

Bug: .css(name); output is inconsistent for combined properties like margin and padding

I just did a little check after noticing something while developing. But
.css('margin'); and .css('padding'); are fairly inconsistent, could be
considered buggy even.
Issue is present in both 1.3.2 and 1.2.6
Test case uploaded to:
I've tested in Firefox3, Midori (WebKit browser), and Opera 9.64, test
case output for them:
Firefox: http://test.4query.org/combined-css/firefox.html
Midori: http://test.4query.org/combined-css/midori.txt
Opera: http://test.4query.org/combined-css/opera.txt
Firefox outputs "t r b l" form whenever it has the data, while midori
and opera output the shortened combined value form.
Firefox and Midori both do not report margin/padding when defined in a
style tag instead of on .style; However they do report marginLeft (style
was defined like #a { margin: ...; })
Opera is the only one that reports margin/padding when defined in a
style tag.
If it's something we want to fix, it should be easy to handle by mapping
margin/padding or whatever combined formats to queries for the four trbl
values and combine them together.
~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://nadir-seen-fire.com]
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