Bug in css.outerHeight in firefox?

Bug in css.outerHeight in firefox?

Hi, I was working with Kelvin Luck's great jScrollPane library, and
found that it would stop rendering the scrollbars if I set a max-
height property in the css.
I found this conditional statement (things were cropped and pasted to
just give the gist of the problem):
$this = $(this);
var paneHeight = $this.innerHeight();
var contentHeight = $this.outerHeight();
var percentInView = paneHeight / contentHeight;
if (percentInView < .99) {...}
in all other browsers, $this.outerHeight was equal (more or less) to
in firefox, the value was mis-reported as the max-height value +
for now I modified my local version of jScrollPane so that
contentHeight = $this[0].scrollHeight. But I figured it was something
worth bringing up since the bug actually traces back to the main
jQuery library.
has anyone else run into this oddity with outerHeight? or is the
combination of Firefox, outerHeight, and max-height a rare one?
I am using Firefox 3 on an Intel Mac. Version Data:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2009011912 Firefox/3.0.6