Bug in selector ':gt' in jQuery 1.3

Bug in selector ':gt' in jQuery 1.3

It's easier to show a test case:
1) Open
<a href="http://reinaldojunior.net/publico/test-bug-gt.html">http://reinaldojunior.net/publico/test-bug-gt.html</a>
2) Look the Firebug console.
The problem:
In jQuery 1.2.6
$('.testing tr:gt(0)') matches 10 elements
But in jQuery 1.3
$('.testing tr:gt(0)') matches 20 elements
<div class="testing"> <span class="testing"><table>...</table></span></div>
Reinaldo de Souza "JuniorZ"
<a href="http://reinaldojunior.net">http://reinaldojunior.net</a>
-- Non ducor, duco